Severe swimmers itch
Severe swimmers itch

#Severe swimmers itch skin

The rash typically involves areas of the body that are exposed to the water, with areas of skin covered by bathing suits being spared. The rash may appear similar to pimples, chickenpox, or blisters, and is often red and itchy or burning in nature.

severe swimmers itch

Within a few minutes to a couple of days after swimming in contaminated water, a rash can develop. The larvae die, but their presence in human skin can cause the characteristic itchy rash. The larvae are able to painlessly burrow into human skin, but the parasites are not able to survive there.

severe swimmers itch

The larvae can be encountered by swimmers, particularly in shallow and marshy areas, although the tiny larvae are too small to see. If the parasite eggs are released into or near the water, they can hatch into larvae, which can then infect snails. The adult parasites produce eggs, which are passed into the water from the feces of these animals. Several species of birds (geese, ducks, gulls) and mammals (beavers) that live near water can be infected with parasites in their blood. Swimmer’s itch is a water-borne parasitic disease, and the normal life cycle of the disease-causing parasite involves different animals. This is called swimmer’s itch or cercarial dermatitis. When swimmers come into contact with these parasite larvae, the larvae can burrow under the skin, causing an allergic reaction that manifests as itching and rash. Infected snails can then release the larvae back into the water. Snails found in freshwater, and rarely in salt water, can be infected by juvenile parasites (cercarial larvae) that are present in the water.

Severe swimmers itch