There's really no need, you know, to go spreading it around.
That's what pills are for, EDI! She is so my mom. It's just mad that all its footage of me looks like a dream sequence. Fractured my thumb on the mute, but I think I made my point. murdering type? You know, those are always good to have around. And Thane seems like the strong, sensitive. I can't believe I liked the old Garrus better. It seems like Garrus has finally worked that stick out of his butt but now he's trying to beat guys to death with it. Mass effect 2 garrus loyalty mission how to#
Jacob's too nice a guy for all the different ways he knows how to kill people. I'm not sure I could survive the reprisal. I'm not going to say anything about Miranda. How d'you like that, you sons-of-bitches?!. If this thing starts calling itself the "vanguard of our destruction", I call shotgun on the first life boat. Great, I just got worked by the intercom. You're crazy! You start singing "Daisy Bell" and I'm done!. This is all Joker's fault! What a tool he was! I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the Overlord!. I was worried you’d dump Samara for some crazy soul-sucker with a death fetish, all lithe and sexy and. I’m glad things worked out, Commander. So, all that stuff with Jacob's dad, that's all bullshit, right? Because it sounded like bullshit to me. you think Miranda could ever lighten up a bit and. I’m good with our current amount of headbutting. You know, Commander, I’m not real broke up that Wrex isn’t coming. You collect stray cats as a kid, Commander? Because the last thing we needed was a big ultra-krogan on board, so thanks for bringing him along. Why can’t you collect coins or commemorative plates or something? Oh, another dangerous alien aboard, Commander. So, Commander, even your asari are trained killers? You get everyone at the same store or something?. Okay, Shepard, glad you're back, but keep an eye on that last one. I mean, it is her, right? Because how can you tell with that helmet and.ah, never mind. It's nice to have Tali back, just like old times. totally my favorite! With that pole up his ass. Hey, Commander, we got Garrus back! That's great, because he was. What's the point of being a corporate ship if you can't inflate your results?. Now she's got this thing I don't want to talk about. I liked the Normandy when she was beautiful and quiet.
Commander can you believe this?! It's my baby, she's better than new, fits me like a glove! And leather seats!. I don't trust anyone who makes more than I do. They want to know what we're made of? I say we show them, on our terms. We don't know how many the Collectors have stolen. If we're weak, if we're slow, if we hesitate.then we'll die. Once we're inside, they're going to throw everything they have at us. If I can't trust your intel you're useless to me. The Collectors are about to find out what happens when you piss me off. Unlike Conrad, I actually know how to use a gun. You don't get to just walk away, lady.
Try finding that option on government paperwork.
Conrad, let me make this perfectly clear. Slap some face paint on there and no one will even notice. You kill people because you think they're beneath you I kill people when they leave me no choice. I'm going to do exactly what you brought me back to do: I'm going to win this war, and I'll do it without sacrificing the soul of our species. I'm going to stop the Reapers, but I won't sacrifice the soul of our species to do it. You can fall in line or step aside, but don't get in my way. I'm going to make sure we're ready when he gets here. Harbinger is coming and he won't be alone. I'm getting a lot of bullshit on this line. I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you. I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel.
We're here to make them regret - to show them and everyone else what happens when you go too far. They started a war, but we're not here to finish it. I’ve had enough of your disingenuous assertions!.Just once I'd like to ask someone for help and hear them say, "Sure.
We have to give everything, even if that means our lives.